Experience is what allows you to recognize your mistakes when you repeat them.¹
Many are the times I’ve lived out that one. Some examples:
- “It’s only two kilometers. I can get lunch afterward.” Four hours later, I am ravenous.
- “It’s not raining, and it’s only a short walk.” Two days later, my shoes are still not dry and my calves still hurt.
- “Oh, this path on the map looks pleasant.” Two hours later, making a path through heavy brush trying to find one that the GPS says I am walking on.
- “This paved road is awfully long, but the map shows a shorter one fifty meters that way.” An hour later, making … wait, didn’t I just say that?
- “Oh, this side path looks interesting!” Later, “When am I ever going to learn to take water, no matter how short I think the walk is going to be?”
- “OK, I know the map is not reliable, but the GPS² will get me back,” Later, “When am I ever going to learn to take the extra battery with me?”
Perhaps you have some examples of your own?
¹Printed on a sugar packet in a restaurant.
² I love to go a-wandering
Along the mountain track.
And as I go I love to sing,
“How the heck do I get back?”
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