Considering a move to or within Spain (or anywhere)?
If you go to this page, you can adjust lifestyle factors, enter the name of a city, and get an estimate of cost of living:ño-Logrono-Spain
And anyone can help us out by adding data for where you live (to make it more accurate):
Numbeo has no data for some places I’m interested in. If you live in Navarra or La Rioja and are willing to tell me about rent, please add a comment below for
- What city or village?
- What type of vivienda?
- How much monthly rent?
Comments will not be posted. I may post a tabulation of the answers (but I will NOT post anyone’s name or e-mail).
The comment form asks for an e-mail address, but I don’t use it. Feel free to put in a fake one. Even a fake name if you wish.
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