
I dreamed about a major natural disaster and about a major military invasion.  In both dreams, there were people who immediately despaired and others who were optimistic about recovery.  The pessimists had faith in the circumstances.  The optimists had faith in themselves and their fellows.  Or maybe faith in their limitations versus faith in their abilities.

But there is finality in neither our limitations nor our abilities.  “And we know that God causes all things“—including our limitations and our abilities—”to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”¹

Everyone has a measure of faith; it is one of God’s gifts.  Ask God for more and apply it to the One Who is Infinite.  “I believe; help my unbelief!”²

¹Rom. 8:28
²Mark 9:24

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One Comment

  1. What if it’s neither a natural disaster nor a military invasion?  What if it’s a president or prime minister—or a dictator?  A parliament or congress?³

    Who’s in charge?

    ³Not talking about owls or baboons!

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